My father passed away almost exactly one year ago. I wish I had written a longer (longest?) post on this when it was more fresh but maybe some day as I still have a lot of thoughts about him and his life and his end.
But right now I want to talk about another thing: a product idea. I had trouble going back to sleep last night and used Headspace to try to sleep. The first time I tried it a few days ago, the experience was… not good. I don’t know exactly which Sleep SOS meditations I listened but they were jarring, both in reading and in content (“imagine a loved one… maybe even your pet” was the worst moment but I don’t want to go into the whole pets-are-bloody-obviously-not-human rant). But last night’s experience was good: the reading was good (though a bit too raspy at first) and the content was good (some antiques shop in the rain). But as I was laying there listening to it… I thought… I wish my Dad was reading this to me. I have a lot of voice recordings of my Dad and I bet you it would be easy to now combine it and train some deep fake of his voice and then plug that into the reading apps.
Anyways, I might spend some time playing with this and maybe (surely?) something like this already exists but I wish it was obviously integrated into the reading apps.
Last modified on 2025-01-31